How to Fix Larissa

You're on your own, buddy

The github's here

How to Re-deploy Larissa Once You Fix It

Notify stakeholders

Login to the machine

$ ssh

Stop tomcat

$ sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat7 stop

Backup the database and app directory

Specifically: config, logs, data

$ sudo tar -zcf ~/lrs-db-backup.tar.gz /etc/couchdb /var/log/couchdb /var/lib/couchdb

$ sudo tar -zcf ~/lrs-app-backup.tar.gz /home/larissa/lrs/webapps/larissa

Get rid of the old version (but also keep the .war file for good measure)

$ sudo mv /home/larissa/lrs/webapps/larissa.war ~/larissa.war.old

$ sudo rm -rf /home/larissa/lrs/webapps/larissa

Put the fixed built version on the machine

$ sudo scp you@your.machine:/home/you/fixed-built/larissa.war /home/larissa/lrs/webapps

Start tomcat again

Automagically unpacks the .war file

$ sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat7 start

Test with a basic Kettle transform that Larissa now does whatever it was supposed to

$ sh /home/cameron/data-integration/ /your/test/transform.ktr

Notify stakeholders that you're a god